• 19 июля 2019, пятница
  • Москва, Страстной бульвар 12 с.1

Investors' Coffee: Corporate Ventures with Mark Zawacki

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2028 дней назад
19 июля 2019 c 9:00 до 11:00
Страстной бульвар 12 с.1

Mark is the Founder of 650 Labs and Milestone Group. Since 2001, he has led/supervised engagement teams on more than 200+ clients globally, working a myriad of growth and revenue-related initiatives including strategy, innovation, business and corporate development, alliances/partnering and international expansion. His clients have included Chase, Union Bank of Switzerland, Rabobank, MasterCard, Tata, Shell, Microsoft, McDonalds, Cisco, Intel, SAP, NTT, GSMA, Volvo, SITA, Norsk Hydro, Occidental Petroleum and Swisscom. Closed doors: only for investors and corporate venture.

Prior to founding both 650 Labs and Milestone Group, Mark spent nearly a decade as a strategy consultant with the CSC Index, the strategic management consulting division of Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC). Variously based in Amsterdam, London, Sydney and San Francisco, Mark’s consulting at CSC Index focused on corporate strategy, organizational change and leveraging technology for business advantage.

Mark is a frequent speaker, panelist and moderator at industry conferences globally. Mark is also an Adjunct Professor of Strategy at CEDIM in Monterrey, Mexico and an occasional guest lecturer at leading business schools globally.

Mark is currently authoring a book how Silicon Valley is making a strategic shift from ‘high tech capital of the world’ to ‘industry disruption capital of the world’. 



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