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В пятницу 28 июня мы продолжаем серию мероприятий Investors Coffee: Corporate Ventures в Yellow Door. Jay Onda поделится собственными практиками создания и функционирования корпоративных венчурных фондов и инвестиционных подразделений в корпорациях, сфокусированных на Telecom, AI, Machine Learning, Connectivity, 5G, Logistics and Smart Cities, B2B Enterprise. Мероприятие закрытое, только для инвесторов и представителей корпоративных венчурных подразделений. Регистрация обязательна.
Jay Onda is working with Orange Silicon Valley focusing on their Startup Investment activities focusing on various strategic areas including AI, Machine Learning, Connectivity, 5G, Logistics and Smart Cities, B2B Enterprise, and Impact related themes.
Jay was a founding member of Yamaha Motor Ventures & Laboratory Silicon Valley (YMVSV) where he serves as Venture Partner and Director of Strategic Investments in Menlo Park, California. Jay has also worked with various corporations to identify key up and coming trends, build strategy, and has executed award winning PoC’s and NRE’s by collaborating with startup companies around the world. He is also an active supporter of Start Up Accelerators and participates as a mentor and advisor. Through his activity as a Corporate Venture Capitalist, he has deeply engaged in the start up community, many which have been acquired or are on the path of IPO.